Current Status
UPDATE March 22, 2022:
Moving Pillsbury Forward (MPF) has acquired the 18-acre former Pillsbury Mills site. Read more here…
Moving Pillsbury Forward works with the Pillsbury Neighborhood Association and the City of Springfield to address safety and security issues at the site.

Pillsbury Mills History in Springfield, IL

History on Sangamon County Historical Society

The Pillsbury Mills page on the Sangamon County Historical Society website has an extensive history of the site and additional photographs.
Visit the site at
Location and Maps
Address: 1525 E Phillips Ave., Springfield, IL, 62702
Springfield City Ward Map
The Pillsbury Mill is surrounded by 4 Springfield City Wards

Click here to download the full Springfield City Ward Map PDF (10.4mb)
Opportunity Zone Map:

Final Report for Mini-Charrette and Reuse Strategy Session Pillsbury Mills District Redevelopment Project
The 2005 Pillsbury Charrette is 14 years old and still contains useful information for the current situation. Nearly all of the strategic project recommendations still apply today. This is a great resource for the Moving Pillsbury Forward Project.
“Pursuant to the revisions requested by you and Heather NiFong to our December 12, 2005 Final Report, we are pleased to present to the Western Illinois Regional Council (“WIRC”) Bell, Boyd & Lloyd’s (“Bell Boyd”) Final Report for the Pillsbury Mills District site (the “Property”) redevelopment project (the “Project”). Beginning in July 2005, Bell Boyd worked closedly with WIRC, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (“IEPA”) and the Economic Development Council for Springfield and Sangamon County (“EDC”) to discuss ideas, strategies and challenges facing redevelopment of the Property. This effort resulted in a successful and well-attended mini-charrette and reuse strategy session that allowed various members of hte Springfield community to vet ideas and have a frank discussion regarding the potential for the redevelopment of the Property and the surrounding area (“Study Area”).”