There are a variety of ways to get involved and help Moving Pillsbury Forward.
From time to time we host events such as clean-ups or public meetings. Contact Chris at .
2022 Efforts:
There are three primary areas volunteers focused on between March 2022 (when MPF took ownership) and the end of the year: Site clearing, mowing, and building cleanouts. These efforts have standardized dollar amounts that can be calculated: MPF volunteers worked on-site in providing a dollar value of $158,000 for the Pillsbury Project in 2022.
Download the 2022 Volunteer Efforts Write-up…
Sign On in Support of MPF
Thanks to our supporters! They are listed on our MPF Supporters page.
SIGN UP – add your name, your company name, or your organization name!
Sign Up to Receive Email Updates
From time to time (not too often) we send email updates to our supporters and other interested entities.
Sign up now. (link coming soon)
Donate monetarily to support the work of Moving Pillsbury Forward…