Pillsbury History

Springfield Bowling Nostalgia


In the early years of the Springfield Pillsbury Bowling League, the basement lanes at the Orpheum downtown were home.  Many teams competed throughout the season.  In later years, after the Orpheum’s demise in 1965, Spillway Lanes became home for the league until 1984 when fire destroyed the building.  

Pillsbury Bowling League 1948
Pillsbury Bowling League 1948

Many thanks to the family of Ernest “Ernie” Philmon (Pillsbury employee for 42 years, and League Secretary for many years) for sharing a bit of great local memorabilia with us.  The guys on the 1948 “Bohemian Rye” team sure made it look fun…even with their button up shirts and ties!

For more information on local bowling establishments visit the Greater Springfield Bowling Archives website:

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury

Pillsbury Bowling League 1948 - Bohemian Rye Team
Pillsbury Bowling League 1948 – Bohemian Rye Team