Pillsbury History

Springfield Safety Circle: December 1955 Newsletter


The Springfield Safety Circle was a monthly newsletter for the Springfield Pillsbury employees and their families.  The December 1955 cover page gives us a taste of the times. 

The top graphic showing the Springfield Plant as a ship is an interesting visual.  The artist for the newsletter is Wynn “Wilky” Wilkins and he almost assuredly created this graphic.  He was a local guy that joined the Navy during WWII then went back to work at Pillsbury after he returned.  It captures the feeling of being a part of something big that takes everyone working together.

Christmas turkeys for all eligible employees and retired people.  What a great company gesture for the holiday season.  The distribution was south of the Bakery Mix Dock.  This is the same area where our main entrance is today for tours and events…68 years later.

1161 members of the American Federation of Grain Millers Local #24 turned out for the election of officers on December 1, 1955.  This was during the highest employment period at the Springfield Pillsbury plant.  At that time, total employment peaked at about 1500.  This included the Local #24 members, clerical staff, supervisors, and management team.  The economic impact of the Pillsbury plant for Springfield was enormous.

The annual Pillsbury Hobby Show call for entries is advertised.  We had a local family show us ribbons won at the hobby shows in the mid-1950’s.  With prizes valued at more than $300.00 it is easy to imagine a large number of entries.  If anyone can tell us where the Auditorium was located, please contact MPF, we would be glad to know. 

We hope you enjoy this little piece of Springfield history as much as we have.  Thanks to all the families that have participated in the Pillsbury reunion project this year.  We have had a great time listening to the stories and collecting information.  Stay tuned…more stories will be shared throughout the winter months!

Have a great holiday season!

Team Pillsbury 

Pillsbury Springfield Safety Circle Newsletter - December 1955 cover