
200 Tons of Brick Packaged for Re-Use


Moving Pillsbury Forward is celebrating Earthday with a huge effort to have our bricks from Warehouses #4 & #5 recycled for use in new buildings. Over the course of the next two weeks over 200 tons of brick from the Pillsbury Plant will be sorted, stacked on pallets, and hauled to new construction sites where the bricks will be re-used. We are working with a midwest brick recycler that brought in a crew and all the equipment to get the job done at no cost to us.

The overall project is aimed at recycling over 95% of the bulk materials (concrete, wood, brick, and metal) from the structures as they come down. Last year we recycled over 40 tons of wood timbers and 100 tons of metal from the site. It is great to see the forward progress with a project design that is earth friendly. 

Thanks for being a part of this important community project!

~ Team Pillsbury