
News and Updates Feb 1, 2024


Micro Pantry Update:  We had several great donations this week…Thank you!  The pantry is accessible 24/7 for smaller donations directly into the pantry.  Our south dock location has shelving for larger donations that can be distributed as the pantry runs low.  We are working toward better stocking consistency for our neighbors in need.  Please, contact us for drop off arrangements of larger donations.  Thanks. 

Preservation Photography Project: We have had inquiries about making select prints available for purchase.  We are in the process of working this through with our primary photographer.  We will have more on this topic in the coming weeks.

Recent Employee Interview & Donation: We did another interview with a long-time employee last week.  He donated several items.  One item of prime interest is a 9-page, September 1986, Union Employee List. Great to have this added to our collection.  We are still looking for 1950’s & 60’s lists to fill in gaps…if they are out there…we would love to have copies.  Thanks.

Illinois AgriNews Article Jan. 10: Yes…our AP article written by John O’Connor was picked up and published by Illinois AgriNews.  The Springfield Pillsbury plant had a big impact on Central Illinois agriculture for many years.  Great job John!

Another very interesting video link: Volunteers doing a bit of research found a 10-minute YouTube video from 2017.  This WAND TV raw video footage was taken during a press day (Aug. 4, 2017) while the US EPA bulk cleanup was taking place.  The narrated video tour was done in the basement of the Grocery Mix Building.  It is a great representation of just how extensive the cleanup activities were in 2017.  


Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury