
Pillsburied: Multiple Resurrections

Springfield Art Association Exhibit Opening

September 6 – September 28
Artist Reception: Friday, September 6, 5:30-7:30 PM


Moving Pillsbury Forward partnered with community artists a year and half ago at the Pillsbury site. We facilitated a welcoming space for them to work and create. We harvested greated industrial elements for use in sculptural pieces. We trusted that the results would be great.

Now, in partnership with the Springfield Art Association, the artists works are going on exhibit in the MG Nelson Family Gallery at the Springfield Art Association (700 N 4th St.). Please consider joining us to celebrate their works this Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 on opening night. 

September 6 – September 28
Artist Reception: Friday, September 6, 5:30-7:30 PM

This show is the third in a series of art exhibits created from and about the ruins of the Pillsbury Mill factory in Springfield. The work includes depictions and interpretations of the abandoned factory, and sculptures and collages created from objects and materials found on site. In most cases, the subject matter focuses on the nature of the ruined built environment as it is today, and also the commercial and social legacies of the factory and its products in this community and in American culture in general. The exhibit also includes artworks rescued from the rubble of the Adams Street fire, where the preceding exhibit was mounted.

The exhibit is an invitational one, featuring the work of numerous area artists who have visited the site for inspiration. It was curated by Robert Mazrim, who has been harvesting and exhibiting the aesthetic potential of the Pillsbury brownfield reclamation project for the last year and a half. Art from the collapse of 20th century industrial America.

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


Pillsbury Neighborhood Cleanup Success August 24, 2024


Moving Pillsbury Forward partnered with the Pillsbury Neighborhood Association, SIU-Med Student Volunteers, and City of Springfield Public Works on Saturday, August 24th, to clean up the streets and alleyways throughout the Pillsbury Neighborhood. The weather was great. The clean up crews worked hard. And Lasagna Lady, Beth Ballinger, served up a terrific lasagna lunch. Yes, it was a success!

Each year, the SIU-Med Students take part in a day of service in the Enos Park and Pillsbury Neighborhoods. SIU-Med coordinates the event and arranges lunch for the volunteers. The two neighborhoods benefit from their labor and, hopefully, the students benefit from getting into the neighborhoods and seeing the environmental health challenges (and solutions) that are a part of everyday life in an older and underserved neighborhood. 

We are thankful for having these lasting partnerships. This was our fourth year of the cleanup partnership and we know it makes a big difference for the residents.The Pillsbury street and alleyway cleanup resulted in proper disposal of 30 cubic yards of litter and trash, 11 televisions, 12 mattresses, 14 car tires, and 20 pieces of overstuffed furniture (sofas, chairs, etc.). Most of which had been fly-dumped in the area over the past few weeks. 

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


ISO Concert at Pillsbury Sept. 14


Moving Pillsbury Forward has partnered with the Illinois Symphony Orchestra for a truly special event at Pillsbury (1525 Phillips Ave.) on the evening of September 14. The great community response to our arts events at the site over the past year have been an incredible addition to the overall Pillsbury Project. While we remain focused on seeing cleanup, demolition, and renewal at the site, we have also seen what the addition of arts can do in improving the overall quality of life in our community. And…that is where our partnerships with the community are most meaningful. We hope to see you on September 14.

Go Beyond the Stage with your Illinois Symphony Orchestra at the Pillsbury Factory

The Illinois Symphony Orchestra (ISO) goes Beyond the Stage with new concert experiences that take YOU to unique venues for immersive, themed ensemble performances. From factory and warehouse settings to mansions and yoga studios, Listen Live, be surprised, and experience the artistry of the ISO like you have never experienced it before. Executive Director Trevor Orthmann states, “We are very excited to launch our Beyond the Stage performances at the Pillsbury Factory, working with Moving Pillsbury Forward, to create an experience combining music, art, and food in this unique setting.”

Our inaugural Beyond the Stage concert experience is set for Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the former Pillsbury Factory located on the northeast side of Springfield, Illinois. The ISO’s Percussion Ensemble and Piano Trio, featuring Piano, Violin, Viola, will perform in the C-mill of the old Pillsbury Mills. Local Artist Robert Mazrim said, “the musicians will be surrounded by the spray-painted murals created by local artists, as well as the rich patina of the 87-year-old factory floor, which will provide for a unique acoustic experience beyond the traditional concert hall.”

This ticketed event includes the performance experience and hors d’oeuvres catered by Conn’s Catering along with a cash bar. The event is co-hosted by Moving Pillsbury Forward with all the event proceeds supporting the Illinois Symphony Orchestra.

Go Beyond the Stage on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the Pillsbury Factory. Gates will open at 6:00 PM with the performance beginning at 7:00 PM. Purchase tickets at Single tickets are $40 per person prior to the event and $50 per person at the gate (Cards Only).

Beyond the Stage at the Pillsbury Factory is in partnership with Moving Pillsbury Forward. Vice President Polly Poskin said, “we are thrilled to partner with the ISO on this next concert experience. It’s like having a prime seat to the premier of this new immersive concert experience.” Proceeds from the event will go to support your Illinois Symphony Orchestra.

For more information about the ISO, go to

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


Community Garden Partnership Update July 2024


Pillsbury Community Garden - partners with Operation Taproot - SIU School of Medicine Office of Community Care.

On July 4, 2023, during the aftermath of the derecho, Kaye Barnes of Operation Taproot placed the first plants of the Pillsbury Mills Community Garden.  Even with the late start, the garden provided nearly 200 pounds of produce to the Pillsbury Mills neighborhood before the season ended.  This year with a full season of growing to work with, the 15 standing bed garden is on track to produce double that amount with nearly 70 pounds of produce already distributed. 

Pillsbury community garden - Pillsbury plant in the background.

The Pillsbury Mills Community Garden is a collaboration between  the SIU School of Medicine Office of Community Care’s Operation Taproot and Moving Pillsbury Forward. With the full support of the MPF team, Operation Taproot is able to care for the garden directly on the mill grounds. There, the Office of Community Care team  grows fresh produce for distribution within the neighborhood and connects with community members. 

I personally want to thank the Moving Pillsbury Forward team for their unwavering and generous support for Operation Taproot and the Pillsbury Mills Community Garden. Without this support, the community garden would not have happened. Thank You!

Kaye Barnes
Pillsbury Community Garden - container gardening 2024.

Operation Taproot is an initiative of the SIU Office of Community Care that places Community Health Workers in community gardens to be a visible resource for those who are facing social challenges to their health. You can find Operation Taproot representatives at Pillsbury Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11am, and at the Enos Park Neighborhood garden on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9-11am

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury

Pillsbury Community Garden - raised beds 2024.
News Pillsbury History

A Pillsbury Wooden Barrel Donation


The top of the barrel is labelled: To Pillsbury Flour Co. Springfield Ills. in black ink handwriting. In the same black ink, the top is also stamped with Stout Faulstich (sp) Baking Supply Co.

Wow! We still can’t hardly believe an original Springfield Illinois labelled wooden barrel, likely dating to the 1930’s, still exists and has been donated this month to Moving Pillsbury Forward. With the fire on Adams St. last month, our collection of artifacts took a big hit. This, however, is an incredible addition!

We have a bit of research to do on the origin of the barrel. The top of the barrel is labelled: To Pillsbury Flour Co. Springfield Ills. in black ink handwriting. In the same black ink, the top is also stamped with Stout Faulstich (sp) Baking Supply Co. (see attached photo) Clearly, the wooden barrel was sent to the Springfield Pillsbury plant in the early years of operation, likely between 1929 and 1940. If anyone out there can help add to our knowledge of this barrel we would be grateful.

Barrel donated to Moving Pillsbury Forward.

Our story with the barrel begins when our donor purchased the wooden barrel at an auction about 40 years ago in Central Illinois. Shortly thereafter, she moved to Wisconsin and kept the barrel until a Central Illinois relative informed her of our project. She then reached out to us and decided to donate the barrel. We gladly accepted the donation because of the clear connection to the Springfield Pillsbury site.

One of the things we love most about the Pillsbury Project is the community pitching in and helping us learn more about the Springfield PIllsbury plant and its rich history. The positive impact this plant had on Central Illinois for several decades is just amazing. 

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


Important Artifacts Recovered from the Fire Building


We have good news! Several of our best Pillsbury artifacts from the plant have been recovered from the 413  Adams St. building fire scene. These items include: the bicep doughboy panel, the smutters chalkboard, three custom metal grain scoops, and the service department rolodex. In total, we are estimating that about 30% of the art and artifact collection stored and exhibited on the third floor of the 413 Adams St. building were recovered. 

Doughboy Panel from the Bakery Mix area of the Pillsbury plant.
Doughboy Panel from the Bakery Mix area of the Pillsbury plant.

Last week the building was released back to the owners. They then allowed us to access the structurally sound back of the building and collect what we could in a reasonably safe manner. With several hours of careful digging through debris, we eventually found and recovered several of our best artifacts. We are grateful that they survived! 

Planning has begun for a new exhibit with these artifacts. We are working diligently on finding an appropriate place for their longer term preservation. These are important pieces of the Pillsbury flour milling and manufacturing story in Springfield. The efforts of many volunteers have made this a great aspect of the overall Pillsbury Project.

Thank you for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


New On-line City Dashboard


Cited properties near Pillsbury plant in Springfield, IL as of July 1, 2024
Cited properties near Pillsbury plant in Springfield, IL as of July 1, 2024. Click image to open PDF in new tab.

Moving Pillsbury Forward is glad to see the new City of Springfield Dashboard for tracking cited properties throughout the city. As a part of the overall Pillsbury Project, we are striving to improve the entire Pillsbury Neighborhood. We work regularly with City of Springfield personnel (Neighborhood Police Officers, Housing Inspectors, Zone Managers, Public Works Crews, etc.) to ensure that the neighborhood is cared for and maintained at a reasonable level.

The new Cited Properties dashboard allows us to track (visually) the areas of concern within the neighborhood through the City of Springfield website:

Also included is a second dashboard for tracking Unsafe & Dangerous Buildings:

Functionally, this new level of public information access allows us to see the status of reported issues as they are prioritized for getting addressed. Ideally, this allows for city workers to spend less time answering public questions related to tracking and more time in solving issues related to quality of life in neighborhoods. We see this as a big step forward in public services efficiency. Thank you, City of Springfield, for this tremendous improvement!

Thank you for being a part of this important community project.

~ Team Pillsbury


Pillsbury Project Exhibit Video Newly Released


Although we lost a great number of Pillsbury artifacts and historic documents in the Adams St. fire last week, we are grateful for the remaining items and documentation that still exists. The following link is a well-produced 11-minute video by AfterdaysMedia filmed during the opening of the Adams St. Pillsburied exhibit on March 28. It was posted on YouTube just this past week.

Moving Pillsbury Forward remains focused on resolving the community challenge that the former Pillsbury property has become over the last 20-plus years. We are still on track with the plan to clean up and demolish the existing structures so that renewal can take place and the quality of life for the  community surrounding the site can improve. 

The added components of arts and history to our overall project has been wonderful. Historic tours and exhibits at the site have been experienced by over 3600 people since last Fall. After a Team Pillsbury meeting held late last week, we resolved to continue moving forward with these important components. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements related to the arts and history aspects of the Pillsbury Project.

Thank you for being a part of this important community project.

Team Pillsbury


Fire Downtown Destroyed Pillsbury Artifacts and Documents


The "Pillsburied" exhibit housed at 413 E. Adams in downtown Springfield was lost in a catastrophic fire on June 19, 2024.

It is with heavy heart that Moving Pillsbury Forward confirms that the “Pillsburied” exhibit housed at 413 E. Adams in downtown Springfield was lost in a catastrophic fire earlier today. The exhibit included all of the historical artifacts that have been recovered over the past two years from the Pillsbury factory, as well as numerous pieces of art fashioned from material salvaged from the factory. Three tons of artifacts and art were lost in the fire. All of it is irreplaceable.

The exhibit was curated by Robert Mazrim under the auspices of the Moving Pillsbury Forward project. Aside from the historical artifacts, this particular exhibit featured principally the work of Mazrim and the graffiti artist known as “Shock“. Also lost in the fire were historical documents and records from the factory, and new artwork that was recently brought to the site for a planned reopening of the exhibit.

The Pillsburied exhibit was part of a larger art project, supported and facilitated by Moving Pillsbury Forward, which has attempted to salvage and recycle the aesthetic potential of the abandoned factory.  The project continues. Charitable donations to support the art program are being accepted by Moving Pillsbury Forward. Donors are asked to make a note if the donation is intended for the art program.

Curator and artist Robert Mazrim wishes to thank the community for its gracious support during this terrible event, and is heartened that so many people from the community were able to share in the unique experience. 

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

Team Pillsbury


Press Conference: progress and Budzinski support, June 6, 2:30pm


Moving Pillsbury Forward is hosting a press conference with Congresswoman Budzinski Thursday, June 6 at 2:30pm. Please consider coming and showing your support for the Pillsbury Project. We will detail overall project progress, and Congresswoman Budzinski will discuss the tremendous federal efforts to support the project. We see this as a great opportunity to personally thank Representative Budzinski for being such a strong advocate for progress in our community.

When: Thursday, June 6 at 2:30 pm

Where: 1525 Phillips Ave. (corner of 15th St. & Phillips Ave.)

Again, we hope to see you there. The weather forecast is favorable. The front lawn is in great shape and we have plenty of accessible parking in the immediate area. 

Thanks for being a part of this important community project.

Team Pillsbury