
Pillsbury Project Exhibit Video Newly Released


Although we lost a great number of Pillsbury artifacts and historic documents in the Adams St. fire last week, we are grateful for the remaining items and documentation that still exists. The following link is a well-produced 11-minute video by AfterdaysMedia filmed during the opening of the Adams St. Pillsburied exhibit on March 28. It was posted on YouTube just this past week.

Moving Pillsbury Forward remains focused on resolving the community challenge that the former Pillsbury property has become over the last 20-plus years. We are still on track with the plan to clean up and demolish the existing structures so that renewal can take place and the quality of life for the  community surrounding the site can improve. 

The added components of arts and history to our overall project has been wonderful. Historic tours and exhibits at the site have been experienced by over 3600 people since last Fall. After a Team Pillsbury meeting held late last week, we resolved to continue moving forward with these important components. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements related to the arts and history aspects of the Pillsbury Project.

Thank you for being a part of this important community project.

Team Pillsbury