The Moving Pillsbury Forward / Pillsbury Reunion Project is pleased to announce weekly open office hours for former Pillsbury employees, neighbors, retirees, and families. We have a comfortable, shaded/indoor sitting area at the old south truck loading dock. We also have plenty of collected artifacts from the plant…and we would like your help in identifying how many of them were used. Please, bring a cup of coffee and plan to spend some time with us. It is a good informal setting that we hope will allow us all to learn more about the history of the Springfield Pillsbury Plant.
When: Every Tuesday morning from 9:00am to 11.00am. (Starting 7/18/23)
Where: At the Pillsbury South Loading Dock (corner of 16th St. and Phillips Ave.)
Why: To connect and learn more about our local history centered around the Pillsbury Plant.
Download the Flyer… (PDF)
We have already connected with several retirees and families. The stories are fantastic, and we want to hear more of them. We are working to compile a comprehensive list of Pillsbury employees and their start dates for families. Old seniority lists have been very helpful. Several have been scanned and can be shared via email.
The Pillsbury plant had a positive impact on the Greater Springfield Area that was tremendous and long lasting. A huge part of that was the people involved…the workers and the great productive culture they established. Certainly, a history worth remembering and recording for future generations.
Thanks for being a part of the Pillsbury reunion Project.
MPF Reunion Project Team